I know writing the word "syllabus" probably gave each of you flashbacks from college or school that you didn't want. But don't worry, this is the FUN school : ) .

Intro to the intro

This is all stuff that I have learned through all the years of staring at the screen. Everything I have learned is from my own research and practice (some people in the industry call it screen time ). Just because you learn everything here doesn't mean you will be successful at this. Some people are just inherently shitty at this. Don't take it personal and beat yourself up about it. Everyone has their thing in life that takes them to the next level, this may not be yours. This takes a TON of practice and discipline to learn. It takes getting slapped in the face and humbled multiple times before you start getting the hang of this. If you are trading money you need in the near future, you should not be trading. Throw it in a boomer account and forget about it.

This is my scale caption.

This is my scale caption.

Trading is 50% skill / 50% mental. If you can do this long enough and train your emotions to be numb to losses or gains, it only gets easier. Think of the 50/50 ratio as a scale. The minute one side gets heavier than the other it tips and makes your plan unstable. Having more weight on either side of the scale can cause problems for you when you trade. You could be an absolute rockstar at trading, but the second you get cocky, you immediately get humbled by a phat loss. Same with your mental game, you have to be constantly playing mental chess with yourself to train your mind to stay focused and not vary from your plan.

Trading is a zero sum game, meaning someone on the other end is losing for your gain, and someone is upsizing their slurpy tonight off of your loss. You are constantly battling everyone else in the market for your share of the pie. There isn't some magical ATM in the market, printing Benjamins to fill your winning order, no that's someone's bank account you just ripped a couple of stacks from, sucks for them.

If you are competitive, this is for you. If you are determined and a fighter, this is for you. If you are diligent and motivated, this is for you. If you want to make money quick and hoping someone will do it for you, get the hell out. If you are in this hoping to mirror someone else's trades for your benefit, get out faster. Just send me a DM and tell me you are weak, and I will remove you from the channel.

Actual intro

I have ordered the lessons below specifically because they build upon each other. If I was to try and explain one of the below without the prior, it wouldn't really give you the right context to apply anything and actually learn it. I will add sections to this along the way as more and more people reveal things they need help with. I'm excited to share this with you, and hope this helps you along your path to be a better trader or investor in general. You can apply the things you learn here to all forms of investing, including your boomer 401k accounts.

Click each of the sections below and they will take you to the respective sections. Try and follow them in order, unless you are 100% confident in a section you think you can skip. Also, don't take everything I say as bible. Do your own research, google some things I talk about, maybe someone else can explain it better than I (more than likely), or maybe I have no damn clue what I am talking about at all.

  1. Candlesticks & time frames
  2. Support & resistance
  3. Pennants
  4. Fibonacci's
  5. My Indicators
  6. Pennies 401
  7. My own trading rules